Journals & publications
EEI condenses empirical research and studies in the institute’s journal.
Issues addressed in this publications range from petroleum and energy sector economics to regulation, policy and geopolitics or natural resources that provides in-depth knowledge required by both researchers and policy makers in the sector.
Find below our list of publications…

1. Gbakon, Kaase, Ajienka, Joseph, Omowumi Iledare, and Gogo, Joshua, 2022, Optimization Model for Crude Oil Allocation in Nigeria under Global Energy Transition Dynamics. Paper presented at the 43rd IAEE International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 31st – August 4th, 2022.
2. Gbakon, Kaase, Ajienka, Joseph, Omowumi Iledare, and Gogo, Joshua, Oil Production Forecasting Models and Oil End-Use Optimization Framework under Global Energy Transition Dynamics. Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria, August 2022. doi:
3. Gbakon, Kaase, Ajienka, Joseph, Omowumi Iledare, and Gogo, Joshua, 2021, Forecasting Oil Depletion Rate in the Niger Delta Basin under Climate Change Policy. Presented at the 15th NAEE Annual International Conference, Abuja, Nigeria, July 17 – 19 2022.
4. Gbakon, Kaase, Ajienka, Joseph, Omowumi Iledare, and Gogo, Joshua, 2021, Estimating Upstream Unit Production Cost for Optimal Allocation of Crude Oil: A Case Study of Nigeria. Paper presented at the 6th AIEE Energy Symposium on Energy Security, Rome, Italy, December 14th – 16th 2021.
5. Gbakon, Kaase, Ajienka, Joseph, Omowumi Iledare, and Gogo, Joshua, 2021, Optimization Model for Crude Oil Allocation in Nigeria. Paper presented at the at 38th Annual USAEE/IAEE North American Virtual Conference November 1st – 2nd 2021
6. Gbakon, Kaase, Impact of the Finance Act 2020 on Gas Utilization Projects. Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria, August 2021. doi:
7. Gbakon, Kaase, and Lolo Ojaraida, The Nigeria Gas Landscape: Implications for Economic Development. Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, August 2020. doi:
8. Gbakon, Kaase, Iledare, Omowumi, and Oyebimpe Adeogun. Between PPT and PIFB 2018: Risk Assessment of Stakeholders for an Integrated Petroleum Asset Development. Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria, August 2019. doi:
9. Gbakon, Kaase, Iledare, Omowumi, and Fubara Susan. Comparative Risk Assessment of Natural Gas Utilization Projects under Petroleum Profit Act and Petroleum Industry Bill 2018 –42nd IAEE Conference Montreal, Canada, 29th May – 1st June 2019
10. Gbakon, Kaase, Nigeria Petroleum Industry Fiscal Bill 2018: Implications for Onshore Oil and Gas Development Value and Investor Confidence –12th NAEE/IAEE Conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 14th – 16th April 2019
11. Gbakon, Kaase, and Olalekan Abiola. Upstream Mergers and Acquisition Deal Valuation – A Global and Africa Outlook with Perspectives for Nigeria. Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria, August 2018. doi:
12. Gbakon, Kaase Global Refining Ownership Structure and M&A Deal Valuation – A Historical Perspective from 2000 to 2016 – Paper presented at 11th NAEE/IAEE Conference Abuja, 22nd – 24th April 2018
13. Gbakon, Kaase Comparative Fiscal Regime Analysis of Deepwater Projects in Nigeria – PPT PSC 1993, PIB IAT 2009, and PIB 2012 – SPE-187140-MS; SPE ATCE Conference in USA, 9th – 11th Oct. 2017
14. Gbakon, Kaase, Integrating Modular Refining and Marginal Field Operations Under Proposed Fiscal Terms – Is Value Possible? Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria, July 2017. doi:
15. Gbakon, Kaase, Cost Estimation and Economics of Modular Refining. Paper presented at the 10th NAEE/IAEE Conference in Abuja, 23rd April 2017
16. Gbakon, Kaase, Pricing Unquoted Crudes on Net-Back Basis: Where Are the High Value Markets? Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, September 2016. doi:
17. Onyije, Israel Jackson; Nwaozuzu Chijioke and Iledare Omowumi (2018). Future Implications of Global Renewable and Unconventional Energy Development on Nigerian Petroleum Sector Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE – 193408 – MS) – 18.
18. Broni-Bediako, E., Onyije, I. J., and Unwene, K. K. (2018) Economic Effects of Oil Price Volatility on Developing Countries: A Case Study of an Oil Exporting Country. Int J Econ Manag Sci 2018, 7:2 – DOI: 10.4172/2162-6359.1000509 19. 20.
19. Emmanuel O. Agiaye., and Jackson I. Onyije (2018) Sustainable Energy Access in West Africa Region: The Role of Natural Gas. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, Vol 6 Issue 8, 8-21
20. Onuoha Nnachi Ikwor, Nwaozuzu Chijioke & Onyije Israel Jackson (2018). Transmission Channel of Oil Supply Disruption on the Nigerian Economy The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, Vol 6, Issue 9, 31-36
21. Okoli Nnanna O., Nwaozuzu Chijioke, Nteegah Alwell and Onyejekwe Ifeanyi M. (2021). Techno-Economic Analysis of Gas Monetisation Technologies Using Topsis. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) Volume VIII, Issue XII, ISSN 2321-2705.
22. Okoli Nnanna O., Nwaozuzu Chijioke, Nteegah Alwell and Onyejekwe Ifeanyi M. (2021). Development of Model Equations For Comparative Analysis of The Profitability of Gas Monetisation Technologies: A Case Study of GTL and LNG. International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) Volume X, Issue XIII, ISSN 2278-2540.
23. Charles Enweugwu, Aghogho Monorien and Adewale Dosunmu (2020). Nigeria’s Natural Gas Utilization and Sustainability of Supply. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge Volume 8, Issue 2, ISSN 2321-919X.
24. Charles Enweugwu, Aghogho Monorien, Adewale Dosunmu and Dr. Ikechukwu Mbeledogu (2020). The Reverse Mass Balance Method for Distribution of Trunk Line Crude Oil Losses: Issues, Alternatives and Recommendations. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge Volume 8, Issue 3, ISSN 2321-919X.
25. Charles Enweugwu, Aghogho Monorien, Adewale Dosunmu and Dr. Ikechukwu Mbeledogu (2020). Comparing the Reverse Mass Balance Methodology And a Flow-Based Model For Leak Allocation In a Trunk Line. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge Volume 8, Issue 3, ISSN 2321-919X.
Ojukwu Kelechi Isaac
Ojukwu, Kelechi, What Strategies And Policies Can Save Nigeria in the Energy Transition? (September 28, 2020). Available at SSRN: or
Ojukwu, Kelechi Isaac, Ajienka, Joseph , Dosunmu, Adewale , Iledare, Omowumi , and Chidi Ibe. “Investigating the Nexus Between Nigerian Rig Rates and Crude Oil Prices.” Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, August 2020. doi:
K.I. Ojukwu (2020), “Managing Abandonment Issues in Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry” (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) August 2020, Forthcoming,
A Review of Asset Retirement Obligations of Nigerian Oil Companies
K.I. Ojukwu (2020, forthcoming) “A Review of Asset Retirement Obligations of Nigerian Oil Companies” (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) July 2020,
A Review of Asset Retirement Obligations of Nigerian Oil Companies
USAEE Working Paper No. 20-466
Ojukwu, Kelechi Isaac, Ajienka, Joseph , Dosunmu, Adewale , Iledare, Omowumi , and Chidi Ibe (2020) “Investigating the Nexus Between Nigerian Rig Rates and Crude Oil Prices.” Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, August 2020. doi:
Ojukwu, Kelechi, Assessment of Political Risks in Nigerian Oil & Gas Investments (February 17, 2020). ISSRG JEMS Volume 7 Issue 2 Feb 2020, Available at SSRN: or
Ojukwu, Kelechi , Iledare, Omowumi , Ajienka, Joseph , Dosunmu, Adewale , and Chidi Ibe. “Estimating Fair Market Value of Petroleum Assets in Nigeria: A Risk-Based Approach.” Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria, August 2021. doi:
Ojaraida Lolo
Ojaraida L., Iledare O.O., and Ajienka J. (2020); Performance Evaluation of Natural Gas Value Chain in Nigeria. SPE-203725-MS, Onepetro.
Ojaraida L., Iledare O.O., and Ajienka J. (2020); Framework for Natural Gas Performance Evaluation in Nigeria. International Journal for Science and Technoledge, Vol. 8. Issue 1, January 2020.
Ojaraida L., Iledare O.O. and Idowu A.J. (2019); Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) of Gas Utilization in Nigeria. SPE-198783-MS, Onepetro.
Ojaraida L., Iledare O.O. and Akinlawon A.J. (2018); Meta-modeling Evaluation of the 2017 Petroleum Industry Fiscal Reform Terms on Deep Offshore Assets in Nigeria. SPE-193404-MS, Onepetro.
Enweugwu Charles Chukwurah
Enweugwu Charles C, Adewale Dosunmu, Wumi Iledare (2020). The Reverse Mass Balance Method For Distribution Of Trunk Line Crude Oil Losses: Issues, Alternatives, And Recommendations; The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge. Vol.8 Issue 3 DOI No.: 10.24940/theijst/2020/v8/i3/ST2003-002.
Enweugwu Charles C, Adewale Dosunmu, Wumi Iledare (2020). Nigeria’s Natural Gas Utilization And Sustainability Of Supply The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge Vol 8 Issue 2 DOI No.:
Enweugwu Charles C, Adewale Dosunmu, Wumi Iledare (2020). Comparing The Reverse Mass Balance Methodology With A Flow-based Model For Distribution Of Crude Oil Losses In A Trunk Line The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge Vol 8 Issue 3 DOI No.: 10.24940/theijst/2020/v8/i3/ST2003-021.
Georgeson, Victor
Georgeson, Victor U.*, Iledare, Wumi, Ajienka, J. A. (2019). A New Framework for the National Petroleum Production Capacity Determination.
International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering (IJSTRE) Volume 4 Issue 2 ǁ March 2019.
Georgeson, Victor U.*, Iledare, Wumi, Ajienka, J. A. (2019). Modified Rate Threshold Model (m-RTM) For Chance of Commerciality and Development of Petroleum Assets
International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering (IJSTRE) Volume 4 Issue 2 ǁ March 2019.
Georgeson, Victor U.*, Iledare, Wumi, Ajienka, J. A. (2021). Modelling Framework for Chance of Commerciality of Petroleum Assets. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews (ISSN: 2581-8368)
Okoro, Evans
Okoro, E. E., Nwosi-Anele, A.S., Obuebite, A.A., Onyekonwu, M.O. (2019): Heavy Oil Recovery: Environmental Implications and Mitigation Measures, Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering, Vol 4 (1), pp. 34-38
Okoro, E.E., Onyekonwu, M.O., Ajienka, A.A. (2021): Recovery of Nigerian Heavy Oil: Application of Steam Flooding, Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, Vol 8 (4), pp. 21-38
Okoro, E.E., Onyekonwu, M.O., Ajienka, A.A. (2021): Recovery of Nigerian Heavy Oil: Application of Polymer Flooding, International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering, Vol 6 (5)
Adiela, Uche-Peters
Adiela, U.P and Agiobenebo, T(2021) – Analysis of Energy Consumption and economic growth in Nigeria: The Renewable and Non Renewable Energy Perspectives. Confluence Journal of Economics and Allied Sciences (CJEAS), Vol.4 Issue 1: 221 – 236.
Adiela, U.P; Agiobenebo, T.J and Nteegah, A. (2021) – The role of asymmetries and choice of causality testing procedure in Energy consumption-growth nexus in Nigeria. Journal of research in Humanities and social science Vol. 9, Issue 12 (2021): 1-15, ISSN (Online): 2321-9467.
Adiela, U.P and Agiobenebo, T.J (2021) – Renewable Energy Consumption and Energy Growth in Nigeria: The NARDL-based Causality Testing Approach. Journal of Economics and Finance (JEF), Vol.5, Issue 1: 222 – 233, September 2021.
Nwabueze, Gift
Nwabueze, G., Ogbonna, J., and Nwaozuzu, C., (2020). Cost- Benefit Analysis for Nigerian Gas Pipeline Investment, International Journal for Engineering Technology and Management Research, vol. 7(09) 52-65.
Nwabueze, G., (2020). How could renewable energy resources bridge the gap in Nigeria’s energy sector?, International Journal for Engineering Technology and Management Research, vol. 7(11) 9-16.
Nwabueze, G., Ogbonna, J., and Nwaozuzu, C., (2021). Analysis Nigerian Natural Gas Consumption (1990 – 2025). A VECM Approach, International Journal for Engineering Technology and Management Research.
Ezekwugo, Joseph Uchenna
Ezekwugo, J. U., Ibe, A. & Nteegah, A. (2022). Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems in a Developing Economy using Technology. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 14(0), 1-11.
Ezekwugo, J. U., Ibe, A., & Nteegah, A. (2022). Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems in a Developing Economy using Clean Non-Renewable Energy (Natural Gas). International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from
Nnanna, E., & Ezekwugo, J. (2020, August). Uptime Improvement for Selected Intermittent Oil Producers. In SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition. OnePetro. doi:10.2118/203696-M
Anietie Jeremiah
Ikue-John, N. & Anietie, J. (2018) Modeling the Dynamics of the Nigerian FOREX Market and International Crude Oil Prices: A LVAR Approach. Brazilian Journal of Arts & Science, (Physical and Social), 12(2), 67-80.
Ikue-John, N., Nkoro, E., & Anietie, J. (2019). Time-Gap Effects of Crude Oil Prices on the Foreign Exchange Rates: Evidence from Nigeria. Bussecon Review of Finance & Banking, 1(2), 01-08.
Anietie, J. (2019). Analyzing the Effect of Petroleum Industry Shocks on the Nigerian Macro-economy. Digital Innovations Research Journal, 7(4), 39-50.
Anietie, J., Ikue-John, N., Jack, B., Okeke, C., Haruna, T., & Amabuike, L. (2020). Crude Oil Shocks and Price Stability within the Monetary Policy Framework: A SVAR Analysis. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 11 (7), 1784-1794.